Monday, March 30, 2009

Don't forget that you too will get older one day

Sometimes the things I see and hear around me affects me a lot. And, thought of putting down my thoughts on my blog.

I don't understand how your behavior towards an elderly person changes just because they are old. We need to remember that we too will grow old and just imagine someone treating you like you are a burden. Most of them treat their own family member in such weird manner like growing older is a bad thing or something.

I am a strong believer in "what goes around comes around"! If you can't do good to anyone at least don't make them feel bad or sad. Leave them alone if you can't tolerate them. This is what most of the people feel "tolerate" an old person like they are not human beings just like us.

Compassion starts with your family members and then extends to people around you. It is nice to be bothered about oneself but don't make that your world only. People may find that whatever I have written is not practical but the same people will grow old one day and be treated in the same way. We need to put an end to treating people badly or speaking before we think as it would really hurt someone. Especially public humiliation is the worst thing anyone can witness or washing dirty linen in public or fabricating things.

Be true to yourself first and ask yourself one question. Are you happy about treating an elderly person without respect or compassion. They don't ask for much you know, its just few nice words. If you cant do that much then you are not leading an enriching life. Treat others with respect and it really doesn't matter what they do for a living or how old they are or how dependant they are.

There is a wonderful line in the movie "Maid in Manhattan". Its spoken by one of the managers who resigns his job in the hotel service industry. "What we do, doesn't define who we are". So, it really doesn't matter how rich you are or what you have achieved unless you can love unconditionally and look at everyone as you would like to see yourself. Don't believe in things like "Do unto others what they do unto you". It really doesn't make you a better person.

Phew! I just had to let this out of my system cause it really bothers me when there are events or situations I hear about or witness myself. Remember folks or family members are the same people who taught you how to walk and held you when you were about to fall. Why can't we reciprocate same when they love us so unconditionally.

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