Saturday, April 4, 2009

Forgive sounds gud forget I'm not sure I cud

They say that time heals and maybe it does but I prefer understanding rather than forgetting. It impossible for me forget but I don't want to remain bitter. And writing this down really helps me get it out of my system. Sometimes being sensitive really isn't helpful at all. So, I'm writing this for all those people who have been terribly hurt in a relationship and are sensitive to handle themselves after a breakup.

Some psycho out there who wouldn't mind screwing up another person's life to just satisfy their ego. Probably you were not interested with them in the past for whatsoever reason but there are actually people who wouldn't stop till they hurt you. I mean they could go to any extent to destroy your life. For instance getting married to someone and making them feel like shit could be one of the ways it would be done.

And since its still a man's world, the first thing they try to do is hurt your loved ones and try to destroy their lives too. Oh! yes the classic make the woman look like shit by washing dirty linen in the public. I must admit that such men are a Satan reincarnated. And, I totally believe in karma and they will have to face the music of hurting a sincere person in the relationship.

Long live such people and since what goes around comes around they will realize by themselves about their deeds. I really cant tolerate men who don't respect women and treat them like objects. Well, I think we are emotionally stronger and would eventually move on. But I always want to this positivity to remain within me and there maybe phases when we are shaken up but the key is to remain the same positive person you've always been.

Wow, this has been a really intense blog for me cause I've pretty much poured our my heart. I've met such manipulative people that probably I could soon be writing a book on identifying and dealing with manipulators. Yes, also about the hypocrisy which rules our society.

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